Bird Released from Flue of Gambrills, MD Home

“A small bird peeked out at us from the crawlspace between our basement wall and the floor joists. The bird could not get out, so we called Trappro to help with the removal. It turns out that the bird somehow had come down our chimney and entered into the flue. The technician was able to open up the flue, and the bird could leave the space safely. Afterwards, screens were installed on the chimney flues to prevent future entry. We hope not to have to call them again but if we have a problem requiring animal removal, Trappro will be the first to know!”
– M.J in Gambrills, MD

With many years of hands-on experience, Trappro is committed to humanely, professionally, and efficiently ridding your home or structure of all invasive nuisance wildlife! Contact us today at 301-218-1100.