Raccoon in the Attic!

“Racoon in attic. I need an estimate for removal and repair including replacement of insulation and repair to siding.” – At TrapPro, we do all of that. We are your one-stop shop for invasive wildlife management!

Fox Sightings

“There have been several fox sightings in the closed senior community that have the residents concerned. We, the mgmt company, need to have them removed as soon as possible.” – In general, foxes aren’t a problem, but if they are getting too close, too frequent, or are calling damage, call us and we can relocate them to a better environment.

Discount Alert!

Do You Hear Noises In The Attic? Scratching In The Walls? We Remove Unwanted Critters!

Humane Wildlife Removal ~ $25 Off Animal Trapping

Bump in the Night

Does this sound like something you heard over the holidays?

“Something is in the attic of the house my parents house. I hear them scratching and paddling around fairly frequently and nearly constantly at night. Over the past two days it also sounds as if they are wreaking havoc on our chimney.”

This is the indication of a squirrel infestation. Call us to contain and remove them before the y cause more damage!


Cozy Critters

When it’s this cold out, and the snow starts falling, you want to run inside where it’s warm and dry, to get cozy from the snow. So do the critters you see scurrying about before the storm. If their idea of a cozy place is in your home, call us to help them find a more suitable location!


Festive Holidays

I’m not happy about that chipmunk being on my roof, and neither should you be! We hope that your holidays are pest free. If not, call us!

Wishing you a festive holiday season from us here at TrapPro!

Trap Pro is the real deal

“Prompt, affordable, friendly, customer service oriented, and definitely experts at wildlife removal. Both John and Larry are pros at explaining the process and the animal psychology leading up to a successfully trapped pest. Trap Pro is the real deal!!” — Mickel, in New Carrollton, MD

Chimney Visitors

Before you light that fire to keep away winter’s chill, are you sure you don’t have anything more than Santa going down your chimney?